Jumat, 25 Januari 2019


Lulus SD aku bingung mau kemana mau ngapain bagaimana caranya agar bisa tetap hidup, daftarlah diriku di pesantren tersebut karena selain mendapatkan tempat tinggal juga mendapatkan makan gratis.
Diterima Di pesantren itulah aku bisa mempelajari dan menghafal Alquran,dan kitab kitab lainnya, ditempat itulah aku memulai belajar untuk lebih mandiri, ditempat itulah aku menemukan banyak teman baru. Dan masih banyak lagi yang aku dapatkan selama berada dipesantren itu.
Setelah di pesantren tersebut aku sangatlah bangga, awalnya tidak yakin kalau akan diterima dengan segala bentuk ujian tes yang menurutku begitu sulit.
Keseharian di pesantren saya begitu padet waktu nya bangun jam 03:30 berangkat ke masjid sholat tahajut lalu jam 05:30 langsung sholat subuh terus setelah sholat subuh saya langsung mengaji di kelas lalu pulang jam 6 ngambil makan sehabis makan mandi terus langsung sekolah biasa pulang jam setengah 2 istirahat sampe menjelang ashar lalu ke berangkatlah ke masjid ngaji kitab sampe jam 5 terus pulang ngaji langsung makan sore, setelah makan cuci ping ke kolam terus abis itu siap siap ke masjid ntuk sholat berjamaah magrib terus di lanjut dengan mengaji kitab lagi di kelas terus menerus begitu keseharian di pesantren.
Terus pas kelas 3 SMP saya mulai bandel akan di pesantren, saya membawa hp ke pesantren
Terus ketauan sama ustadzah nya di ambillah si hp itu disitu saya mendapatkan hukuman di suruh mengelilingi asrama satri laki-laki dengan menggunakan kerudung warna warni disitulah saya merasa malu sekali tapi saya juga harus menanggu akibatnya itu. dan pas kelas 3 SMP itu temen temen saya mulai mengenal cowo terus denget sama anak cowo surat-suratan terus kalau sakit ada yang ngasih makanan di perhatiin nya lewat surat hehe. Singkat cerita saya lulus lah dari pesantren itu lalu pindah ke pesantren lain tpi saya cuman bertahan 1 tahun aja di pesantren itu nya dikarenakan saya tidak betah di pesantren itu, lalu saya pindah pesantren yang sebelumnya, terus saya masuk SMK di pesantren yang sebelum nya. Saya tidur nya di kamar yang saya belum tau nama nya siapa siapa terus saya nginep karena saya belum dekat sama temen kamar saya di kamar temen saya kamar nya sangat lah kecil cukum cuman berdua saja tapi malah di tempatin berempat heheh.
Maaf belum selesai cerita nya nanti lanjutlagi ceritanya.

Jumat, 11 Januari 2019

economy system in ir. Soekarno era

Ir.Soekarno is an Indonesian Proclamator who is known as an idealist with his high commitment to welfare of the people and freeing imperialism and western colonialism. Ir.Soekarno, an accomplished communicator with the notion of nationalism, Islamism and communism and spreading the understanding of Marxism, gained success by formulating the teachings of marhaenism / Marxism and not only that he was the founder of the Indonesian national party or also called (PNI), ir soekarno has contributed to this country the originator of the Pancasila as the basis of this country succeeded in proclaiming the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, and he was also the originator of the 1955 KAA in Bandung, in making a country not as easy as turning a palm. experienced by Ir Sukarno during his tenure as president of the Republic of Indonesia, which failed to unite Western Ireland and failed to deal with the political crisis that struck in 1966.
This year also from an economic point of view, there is a statement from Soekarno's rejection of a variety of foreign aid because this understanding of nationalism can be interpreted with the belief that development in Indonesia, including in the economic field, must originate from the nation itself and inflation will eventually occur. by 600%
Yearly and ultimately create economic chaos in Indonesia. This situation is exacerbated by the exploitation of human resources and natural resources on a large scale which results in the Indonesian economy, another mistake during the reign of Soekarno was the adoption of an economic system using a liberal economic system where indigenous entrepreneurs were still weak non-indigenous, and in the end worsened the economy after independence, in an effort to overcome the Indonesian economic downturn at that time by nationalizing the bank de javasche bank and reducing the amount of money circulating to reduce prices (syarifudin scissors), and implementing the ali baba economic system that provides credit licensing for national private businesses. But this system must run aground because this program is not running well and there is a lack of experience with indigenous entrepreneurs.

Reperence :

opinion about best economy system for indonesia

Indonesia is a country that is very rich in its natural wealth, but Indonesia still cannot be called an advanced country due to the lack of knowledge for processing natural resources, therefore Indonesia is still said to be a developing country. Indonesia has various economic systems, both from the liberal economic system, the economic system of etatism and the pancasila economic system better known as the mixed economic system, but still Indonesia is still classified as a developing country. Whice is the main problem here is which economic system is suitable for Indonesia ?

In my opinion the economy is suitable or more appropriate for the Indonesian state, namely, a pancasila economic system (mixed economic system), because this system implements cooperation between the government and the private sector. Both the private sector and the government are recognized, when economic activities occur and problems that arise in a country are handled together in order to achieve a good efficiency.

In this mixed economic system, the private sector has the function of determining the activities to be carried out related to production plans, distribution lines and consumption targets. While the government's function lies in supervision and control. So that between the government and the private sector has a portion and their respective roles for economic activities in a country. The purpose of intervention by the government in a mixed economic system is to avoid adverse consequences or unfavorable things arising from a centralized and liberal economic system, for example there is a monopoly on economic resources by certain parties.

Maybe not all choose a mixed economic system, because every human being has a different opinion does not have to be the same. Even though the economic system in Indonesia does not only have one system, but more than one economic system.
